Monday, July 22, 2013

What's in Our Garbage That's So Intriguing?

This morning, at 8:35 AM (I looked at my watch to be sure), I heard a thunk from outside the bedroom window.  Sounded like a trash bin being opened and the lid falling shut.  I looked out and down, where I can see our recycling and compost bins:  Effie was opening each bin and looking inside.  For what I cannot tell you.  Why, I cannot tell you even more.  I felt terribly creeped out, but sadly there's nothing illegal about looking in anyone's refuse.  It's public property.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Effie, Effie, Effie...for Shame!

Thursday evening, 7/5/12, a knock came on our door.  Maybe about 7:45 or so.  Right after that knock, I would SWEAR I heard the doorknob being rattled.  We were sitting on the couch right next to the door.  I was not happy, to say the least.

The kid (?) at the door claimed to be named Christopher and was selling something in a spray bottle.  My sweetie and I were too concerned that this kid tried our doorknob to listen to the pitch.  The nerve!  He offered an argument for a bit, denying all the way.  I sent him on his way with, "God keep you."  He'd need it around this duplex.

Okay, so usually no one knows this building is a duplex.  So the sign on Effie's door, "Want the RED TRUCK" or Effie herself must have told him to knock on our door.

Next morning:  a smallish amount of some weird substance that looked like a squirrel had thrown up mayonnaise, pickle relish, and orange pulp was splattered on our porch step.  Not sure what that was about.  It definitely didn't come out of a human, I'll tell you that much.

THIS morning, around 11AM, I went out to my car, which was parked in its usual spot out in the front of the duplex, on the public street.  Someone had used a black felt marker to scribble nonsense patterns on my windshield, both side windows, on the back window, and even unfolded my driver's side mirror to mark a simplistic line.

I took photos of the marks and brought my sweetie out to witness the vandalism first-hand.  I had to keep an appointment, and I  could see through the marks well enough, so they're still there.  I plan to leave them there at least until I get a chance to report the "artwork" to the police.

Whether "Christopher" or Effie did it, it all comes back to Effie.  But for her actions, "Christopher" would never have come to our door.  Or, also not inconceivable, Effie got drunk and did it herself.

Someone needs to do some serious growing up.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Take a Mugshot; It Lasts Longer!

Effie has been, well, for HER, quiet.  However, gardening season is here, and we can't expect too much of her.

Sunday, July 1st, as we were leaving for my platelet donation (I try to donate bi-weekly at the Red Cross), and we were saying good morning to our elder neighbor, I heard the sound of Effie's bedroom window shade being adjusted.  Looking up, I realized for the first time that she has taken the screen off that window.  ??   Maybe all the intruding insects remind her of Thailand.

I didn't raise my voice too much--not hockey-fan volume--when I said, "You can stop watching us now, (real first name)."  I saw her head poke out the window after I said that.  "You need to be leaving all of us alone, (real first name)."  Our elder neighbor and I grinned at each other and nodded in understanding.  She knows "what time it is."

I wonder if that screen is out so she can pass drugs to customers from upstairs...just a theory; no evidence.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fun and Games with Mister Camera

Dunno why this didn't post, but at least the content is still here!  I think this one was from September 2011.  Better late than never!

I've been carrying my little digi-cam with me.  It's not terribly fancy by today's standards, but I love it.  I've been using it to photograph Effie's antics.  Someday, I'm going to have one weird-looking photo album!

She's been fussing with the rubbish bins, again both yesterday and today.  Yeah, got photos.  Her activity is up this week.

I plan to get some sidewalk chalk, draw around the base of her favorite bin, and write in, "It goes here (real first name)."  If she does it a second time, I'll add her real middle name.  And if there is a third time, Heaven help us all, I'll add her real last name.  As we've covered previously, we keep the bins where we do to discourage mail theft.  I just think it's fun to let her think this is really bothering us more than it really does.

I forgot to mention there is some kind of pipe that protrudes up through the cement on that walkway right near our porch step, which has a cover on it.  But it's a tripping hazard.  It happens the rubbish bin she loves to play with acts as a bit of protection against a nasty fall.  Sweetie tells me its called a "cleanout" for the plumbing. I think of it as a liability.

It's not the bins as much as it is that she's rearranging our things to suit herself, which is rather what she accuses us of doing.  We've asked her to put the bins back when she's finished carrying her boxes.  Fail on our part:  she'll never really be finished carrying boxes.  If that's what she's doing.

She's going to be over the moon tomorrow: we're taking my car to a park & ride.  Oops.  Leaving the ubiquitous red truck. 

Which reminds me...I want to put a sign on it that says, "Interested in this truck? Enquire within!"  Don't tempt me, Effie!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi-Def Effie

Hmm...seems this one never posted.  Well, let's reconstruct!

The date on the draft for this post is 2/20/12.  So, it was Saturday, 2/18/12 when we heard an awful racket, like someone using a drill on the side of our duplex building.  It was someone using a drill on the side of our duplex building.  It was an installer from the Direct TV company, UPGRADING Effie's satellite dish to digital.  Yeah, movin' on out with a brand-new digital satellite dish.

Good one, Effie!